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In March 2017, I was interviewed by China's machine tool exhibition in Shanghai.
  • 2019-05-30 13:38:24

On November 27, the 2018 Guangdong International Robot and Intelligent Equipment Exposition (hereinafter referred to as the "Intelligent Exposition") opened at the Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center. This exhibition is positioned as a high-end advanced robotics professional exhibition, which will last until the end of 30 days. Giant high-precision machines have participated in the fourth intellectual exposition, booth number: 3B531.

As an important event in machine tool industry, Jugao attaches great importance to this exhibition, dispatching a strong team to receive and answer the customers'choice of processing centers.

The huge booth warmly entertains every customer, and the booth is full of seats. The chairman of Giant Group, Dong Li, visited the booth personally and received customers. The atmosphere on the spot was very harmonious.

Our sales engineers are also active in answering customers'questions. By noon today, more than 30 cooperative intentions have been reached.

Huge and high-quality products have beautiful overall appearance and reliable performance, and customers have taken out mobile phone photos for archiving.

This time, Mr. Tang, the marketing director of Jugao Machine Tool, also came to the scene and interviewed the media. Tang always told the media that Jugao Machine Tool is developing very well. Giant Group not only has industrial chain production structure, 13 years of experience in machine tool industry production management and 130,000 square meters standard workshop, but also has an excellent team, which makes the performance of Giant Group steaming. Day up.

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