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China's machine tool industry needs to work together to create the future.
  • 2019-05-31 14:34:50

China machine tool business network column machine tool conference] Beijing in June 26, 2018, hot summer is hard to bear. After baking for many days, people's brain seems to stop turning. But in a conference room of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in Xicheng District of Beijing, there was a heated discussion. Many old leaders concerned about the development of the machine tool industry and experts from China's machine tool industry gathered here to launch a technical discussion on the new generation of intelligent CNC system and intelligent machine tools.

Conference scene

Former Academician Zhou Ji of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, former Vice-Minister of Machinery Industry Lu Yansun, former Executive Vice-President of the China Machinery Industry Federation Chen Bin, Director of the Equipment Driving Machinery Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Han Xing, Secretary-General of the China Machine Tool and Tool Industry Association Wang Liming, Director of the Manufacturing Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Qu Xianming and others were invited to attend the seminar A large number of famous machine tool enterprises and media representatives in China attended more than 60 people.

In his speech, Academician Zhou Ji pointed out that under the situation of vigorously promoting intelligent manufacturing and the explosive growth of new generation information technology, machine tools as industrial mothers should accelerate to the forefront, take a parallel and integrated development of Chinese-style intelligent manufacturing technology line, to high-quality and innovative development.

Chen Jihong, chairman of Wuhan Huazhong CNC Co., Ltd. and expert of 04 special group, gave a speech on "Exploration and Practice of New Generation Intelligent CNC System (iNC) and Intelligent Machine Tool (iMT)", and introduced the development and application of Huazhong CNC Intelligent CNC System and Intelligent Machine Tool. A new generation of intelligent machine tools is proposed, which is based on the industrial Internet, large data, cloud computing, the application of a new generation of artificial intelligence technology and advanced manufacturing technology deep integration products. Li Qiang, chairman of Baoji Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd. gave a speech on the topic of "Exploration of Product Transformation and Intelligent Manufacturing". This paper introduced the development of Baoji Machine Tool in recent years and its future development plan, expounded the understanding and understanding of intelligent CNC system and machine tools, and shared with experts the Baoji Machine Tool and Huazhong CNC Union. The practical experience of developing and popularizing intelligent CNC system and intelligent machine tool is introduced. At the same time, it is emphasized that the upgrading of CNC machine tools, whether it is called digitization or intellectualization, the quality of the first to do a good job is fundamental.

During the discussion, Lu Yansun, Chen Bin, Han Xing, Wang Liming and many business representatives have expressed their views. Old Minister Lu Yansun suggested that machine tool enterprises and CNC and functional parts enterprises should cooperate well, cooperate with each other to carry out collaborative innovation and promote joint efforts. On the premise of analyzing the present situation of the machine tool industry due to historical reasons, Chen Bin proposed that the development of domestic machine tools and CNC systems needs more consideration from the macro level and some policy support. Han Xing believes that China's machine tool industry is currently in the process of moving from the third echelon to the second echelon, is a critical period of climbing over the hill, can not relax. Wang Liming introduced the work and beneficial attempts made by the Machine Tool Association in promoting the progress of the industry and the popularization and application of domestic machine tools and CNC systems and functional parts, pointing out that the progress made by many enterprises in the industry is not easy to achieve. Liu Bingye, former director of Beijing Machine Tool Institute, Tian Sha, vice president of Qinchuan Machine Tool Group, Jiang Hua, general manager of Ningjiang Machine Tool Group, Xu Shixiong, chairman of Yuhuan CNC, Xia Jun, chairman of Shenzhen Genesis, and other delegates attended the meeting. In communication, many constructive suggestions and suggestions have been published.

After the discussion, a signing ceremony was held. Chen Jihong, chairman of Wuhan Huazhong CNC Co., Ltd., and Li Qiang, chairman of Baoji Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd., Xia Jun, chairman of Shenzhen Chuangshi Machinery Co., Ltd., Xiao Liwei, general manager of Shenyang First Machine Tool Factory of Shenyang Machine Tool Group, and Lin Jianghai, chairman of Shandong Machine Design Institute, Nantong Aviation Intelligent Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. Wu Xiaofeng, senior technical consultant of the company, and so on, signed a contract on the spot to jointly promote the development and promotion of intelligent machine tools.

The progress of an industry can never be achieved overnight in a short period of time or only by the efforts of one or several enterprises. Especially, as a machine tool, an important basic industry with intensive technology and talents, which requires a large amount of basic research and development and equipment investment, it is necessary to endure loneliness and loneliness, and it needs a government owner. With the joint efforts and coordinated development of the departments in charge and the parties involved in industry, University and research, any developed industrial country has come out after a long period of painstaking management. China's machine tool industry is like a huge ecosystem, and all parties concerned must play a role in it. After years of accumulation, we have stood in the array of intelligent manufacturing, a new round of global industrial revolution. We have mastered some advanced technologies. We have some well-developed enterprises and many entrepreneurs with profound feelings. Under their guidance, let's join hands, make progress, give full play to their respective advantages, and promote them. Industry and even China's manufacturing industry's overall progress and contribution to development.

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