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China Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation & Investment Forum held in Shenyang
  • 2019-05-31 14:36:54

China Machine Tool Business Network Column Machine Tool Conference] On July 18, the China Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation & Investment Forum was held in Shenyang, sponsored by Shenyang Machine Tool Co., Ltd. and co-sponsored by Younis Rental, Furhenium Industrial Finance and Haizhi Online. More than 100 distinguished guests from the field of intelligent manufacturing entities and investment and finance in China gathered together to talk about the future ecology of Intelligent Manufacturing in China and to welcome the business opportunities and wealth of a new round of industrial development.

Visitors to Shenyang Zhigu, Smart Manufacturing Experience Center, Jewelry Industry Department, Zero Distance Experience China's cutting-edge manufacturing processes and intelligent factory solutions, experience the beauty of personalized customization of intelligent manufacturing.

Dr. Ge Xingfu delivered a keynote speech on the future of China's manufacturing industry. Zhou Jianzhen, founder of Bohou Capital, made a keynote report entitled "Reconstructing Industrial Finance and Enabling Future Manufacturing". Guan Xiyou, chairman of Shenyang Machine Tools, gave a keynote speech entitled "iCT Change Production Mode", and put forward the concept of intelligent manufacturing = data intelligent X collaborative manufacturing.

Dong Yanhong, General Manager of Younis Industrial Services, Chief Executive Officer of Microexhibition, Wang Yanmin, founder of Beijing Xinchang Technology, VP Xuxiang, Haizhi Online, and Huang Siyu, founder of Man-Machine Collaborative Robot, discussed the comprehensive interconnection and intelligent application of man, machine and object.

Su Xiaochuan, CEO of Zhimei Science and Technology, Li Xiaolei, CEO of Youzhi Heng, Xubo, CEO of Re Industrial Finance, and Zhao Yucheng, partner of Nanqiao Capital, held round-table talks on how to build a new mode of production through collaborative manufacturing. The forum is chaired by Zhu Wuxiang, a professor at Tsinghua School of economics and management.

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